
In regards to climate, view, vegetation and infrastructure plus location this hilly property nearby Arusha town is our superlative. Although the peak of this hilly location is just 15 minutes drive or 5 kilometer off the city centre of Tanzania's second biggest City Arusha, the property is not missing one attractive natural feature of the exotic tropical forest as well as the security of town.

Four kilometers wines the well maintained gravel road up into the lush steep hills of Arusha famous Mount Meru and reaches.The pictures shows the last 500 hundred meters along the road where you can even spot the lower southern parts of the bottom of the plot.


The road touches the Eastern 35 meter long border of the property. After crossing the field you reach the ridge with its plateau on top - the highest and best view point of the property.

Having reached the peak, a breath taking view is waiting for the visitor. Fair enough that the city centre of Arusha is hidden behind the hill. The busy Arusha-Moshi road is covered by dense vegetation which prevents the disturbing noise breaking into the peaceful surroundings of this area.

On top of the hill is sufficient space for the construction of a main house with an almost full round view!




Backwards, down to the hollow where the acess road passes are the ideal facilities for parking, workshop, servant quarters and others utilities premises.

Northwards, all along the more than 100 meters borderline, the property has a fantastic view on Tanzania's second highest peak , Mount Meru. Due to the steep slope along this stretch, nothing is blocking the view.

Much steeper is the slope Westwards of "Arusha hill". Unsuitable for construction  this land is not anymore part of the plot, but it retains the high privacy of the plot.

Lots of terraces are dragged along the slope from North to South. This is certainly the ideal location to erect a range of chalets keeping privacy and holding the view.

Down at the bottom of the slope runs a fresh water river all through the year. Nevertheless it has to be mentioned that the city water line is only 100 meters away from the East border of the plot. Further pipe water is avaiable together with electricity on the adjacent property!


From far away the view gives an idea of where and how "Arusha hill" is located on the slopes of Mount Meru.



Certainly this GPS-survey needs no further explanation, but it is necessary to understand that it does not reflect the slopes of the property. Putting this into calculation, the property could be a quarter bigger in size. Even the below displayed official survey is based on a gps-survey and therefore in reality the property can even reach up to 2 acre!

Here the site plan of the title deed with the exact measurements and therefore a smaller size.

Placed between the country's two highest peaks, Mount Meru and Kilimanjaro in the East, the property is only half an hour or 40 kilometers drive away from Tanzania's second international airport, Kilimanjaro, and just 15 minutes drive away from Arusha city center. 

6 kilometers Northeast of the city centre of Arusha

Plot size

4654 square meter

Property Type

Residential property

Length 121 till 110 meters
Width 31 to 47 meters 
Vegetation Mango trees, Banana, Avocado and lots of different local bush and trees

Title deed

Buildings Cottage
Neighbours Government and locals
Infrastructure Electricity and water line only 100 meters far away!
Special Features Top quality view plus full infrastructure access
Distance to tarmac road 4 kilometers
Distance to next settlement 100 meters 
Distance to shopping facilities 1000 meters
Price Price on request